Who said Orthodoxy Can't be fun?
Christian gifts, crafts, music, and fun for everyone! We strive to present the perfect gifts, and tools to help you enjoy growing in the Orthodox Christian faith.
My Story
It all began in 2015
When I became a mother, a creative impulse took over me to create items for my baby girl (from headbands to fabric shoes). Three months after her birth, I made her first quiet book!
Another contribution was my service in church. I served in sunday school in my Coptic Orthodox church for many years. I served in several classes from 1st to 12th grade. I realized how kids grew distant from God and church as they got older.
With my love to craft and my zeal for my daughter's spiritual growth and my sunday school children, I started making things that can bridge the gap between the little ones and the church. The first thing I ever made was the 7 Sacraments Quiet book and from there I started my journey...